Period : Saturday, April 27, 2019– Monday, September 23, 2019

Close : May 8, May 15, June 5, June 19, July 3, July 17, August 7, August 21, September 11 and September 18, 2019

Admission :

Adults: 700Yen (500Yen)  College students: 500Yen (300Yen)
Elem/JH/HS: free
*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*The ticket also allow admission to Collection Exhibition and Glass Art Garden
* Combined ticket with “Runé Lalique -Paris Modern Elegance  Selected Works from the Kitazawa Museum of Art” is available.

Supported by

Polish Institute in Tokyo, THE KITANIPPON SHIMBUN,
THE TOYAMA SHIMBUN, Kitanihon Broadcasting Co., Ltd.,
TULIP-TV INC., Toyama Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.

Venue : Exhibition Room 3 (3F)

René Lalique -Paris Modern Elegance  Selected Works from the Kitazawa Museum of Art

Period : Saturday, April 27, 2019– Monday, September 23, 2019

Close : May 8, May 15, June 5, June 19, July 3, July 17, August 7, August 21, September 11 and September 18, 2019

Admission :

Adults: 700Yen (500Yen)   College students: 500Yen (300Yen)
Elem/JH/HS: free
*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*The ticket also allow admission to Collection Exhibition and Glass Art Garden
* Combined ticket with “MARTA KLONOWSKA Istota” is available.

Supported by
THE KITANIPPON SHIMBUN, THE TOYAMA SHIMBUN, Kitanihon Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Tulip TV INC., Toyama Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.

Venue : Exhibition Room 1,2(2F)

Collection Exhibition 2018-II (Permanent Exhitbition)

Period : Monday, November 12, 2018 -Sunday, June 16, 2019

Close : First and Third Wednesdays
*From Dec. 8, 2018 to Feb. 24,2019, we are close only on Dec. 31, Jan. 9 and Feb 6.

Admission :

General & College students: 200 Yen (160 Yen), Elem/JH/HS: free
※Price in the bracket for groups of 20 or more.
※The ticket also gives admission to Glass Art Garden (6F).

Venue : Exhibition Room 4, Transparent Storage (4F)

Toyama International Glass Exhibition 2018

Period : Saturday, September 15, 2018– Sunday, November 25, 2018

Close : September 19, October 3, 17, November 7

Admission :

Adults: 1,000 Yen(800Yen); College Students: 800Yen (600Yen)
Elem/JH/HS: free

*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*The ticket also allows admission to Collection Exhibition and Glass Art Garden



Toyama Glass Art Museum, Toyama City,
The Executive Committee of The Toyama International Glass Exhibition






Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Toyama Prefecture, Citizens Arts Administration Center of Toyama, Suntory Museum of Art, Association for Glass Art Studies, Japan, Japan Glass Artcrafts Association,
The Glass Manufactures Association of Japan, Japan Institute of Design Promotion, Canberra Glassworks,
City of Bergen, Norway, Glass Art Society, Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Museum of Glass, Tacoma, MOSER, a.s., Pilchuck Glass School, NHK Toyama Station, Kitanihon Broadcasting Co., Ltd., TULIP-TV INC., Toyama Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. Cable Televison Toyama Inc., FM TOYAMA, Toyama City FM


Special sponsor



The Toyama Chamber of Commerce and Industry, TOA Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., UNIZONE Co., Ltd.,
Yamada Photo Process Co., Ltd.

Venue : Exhibition Room 1-3(2・3F)

Alena Matĕjka Journey to the mystic world

Period : Saturday, July 7, 2018– Monday, September 3, 2018

Close : July 18, August 8 and August 22

Admission :

Adult: 700Yen(500Yen) College students: 500Yen(300Yen)
Elem/JH/HS: free
*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*The ticket also allow admission to Collection Exhibition and Glass Art Garden
* Combined tickets with other special exhibitions are available.

Supported by

THE KITANIPPON SHIMBUN, THE TOYAMA SHIMBUN, Kitanihon Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Tulip TV INC., Toyama Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.

Venue : Exhibition Room 3(3F)

Collection Exhibition 2018-I (Permanent Exhitbition)

Period : Saturday, June 9, 2018 -Sunday, November 6, 2018

Close : First and Third Wednesdays (Open on Aug. 1 and Aug.15, Closed on Aug. 8 and 22, 2018)

Admission :

Adult & College students: 200Yen (160Yen), Elem/JH/HS: free
※Price in the bracket are for groups of 20 or more.
※The ticket also gives admission to Glass Art Garden (6F).
※Tickets for Special Exhibition also give admission to this exhibition and Glass Art Garden.

Venue : Exhibition Room 4, Transparent Storage (4F)

OHGITA Katsuya Shape of Light

Period : Saturday, April 28, 2018 - Monday, September 3, 2018

Close : May 9, May 16, June 6, June 20, July 4, July 18, August 8 and August 22

Admission :

General: 700Yen(500Yen) College students: 500Yen(300Yen)
Elem/JH/HS: free
*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*The ticket also allow admission to Collection Exhibition and Glass Art Garden
* Multi-Facility Pass: OHGITA Katsuya exhibition and the other special exhibitions tickets are available

Supported by
THE TOYAMA SHIMBUN, THE HOKKOKU SHIMBUN, Kitanihon Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Tulip TV INC., Toyama Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.

Venue : Exhibition Room 1,2(2F)

Double Reflection

Period : Saturday, April 7, 2018 - Sunday, June 17, 2018

Close : April 18, May 9, May 16, and June 6

Admission :

General: 700Yen(500Yen) College students: 500Yen(300Yen)
Elem/JH/HS: free
*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*The ticket also allow admission to Collection Exhibition and Glass Art Garden
* Multi-Facility Pass: Double Reflection exhibition and the other special exhibitions tickets are available

Supported by
THE KITANIPPON SHIMBUN, Kitanihon Broadcasting Co., Ltd., TULIP-TV INC., Toyama Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd.

Venue : Exhibition Room 3(3F)

Glass Artists from Hokuriku Diversifying Glass Art

Period : Saturday, February 17, 2018 - Sunday, March 25, 2018

Close : Febuary 21, March 7and March 22

Admission :

General: 500Yen(300Yen) College students: 300Yen(200Yen)
Elem/JH/HS: free
*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*The ticket also allow admission to Collection Exhibition and Glass Art Garden

Supported by

Venue : Exhibition Room 1, 2(2F)

Collection Exhibition 2017-II (Permanent Exhitbition) A Journey from Everyday Life

Period : Friday , December 8 -Sunday, June 3, 2018(TBD)

Close : First and Third Wednesdays (Open on Mar. 21, 2018. Closed on Mar. 22, 2018), Year-end and New Year holidays (Dec. 29, 2017 - Jan. 1, 2018), Jan. 10, 2018
*Jan. 2 and 3 are open from 10:00 to 17:00

Admission :

General & College students: 200Yen (160Yen), Elem/JH/HS: free
※Price in the bracket for groups of 20 or more.
※The ticket also gives admission to Glass Art Garden (6F).
※Tickets for Special Exhibition also give admission to this exhibition and Glass Art Garden.

Venue : Exhibition Room 4, Transparent Storage (4F)