Ann Wolff
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Photo: SUEMASA Mareo

Ann Wolff
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Photo: SUEMASA Mareo

Stanislav LIBENSKÝ &
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Photo: SAIKI Taku

Louis Thompson
Sigmund Freud’s Dream Archive: Case No’s 396-405/B
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Photo: MUROSAWA Toshiharu


Collection Exhibition 2018-II (Permanent Exhitbition)

Period: Monday, November 12, 2018 -Sunday, June 16, 2019

Opening Hours: 9:30-18:00
(We are open until 20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays. Last admission is 30 minutes before closing time.)
*We are open until 18:00 on Dec. 29, 30 and Jan. 1 to 3.

Closed: First and Third Wednesdays
*From Dec. 8, 2018 to Feb. 24,2019, we are close only on Dec. 31, Jan. 9 and Feb 6.

Venue: Exhibition Room 4, Transparent Storage (4F)


Works of Ann WOLFF newly collected in 2017 are introduced in this Collection Exhibition 2018-II.
Ann Wolff was born in Germany in 1937 and currently works as an artist based in Sweden. She began to work as a glassware designer in 1960 and became independent as an artist in 1978. Since then, she has worked on exploring her own life, the way as a woman and human identity through work production with human and body motifs. In this exhibition, HEAD (2015), one of her recent masterpieces, and her early work SMALL MOTHERS (1983) which was donated by the artist and is shown in this museum for the first time are exhibited.
Also in this exhibition, approximately twenty works from the collection including the works by artists who have led art of contemporary glass such as Stanislav LIBENSKÝ & Jaroslava BRYCHTOVÁ, Bertil VALLIEN and Harvey K. LITTLETON are on display. We hope that you will enjoy the works, which were created by each artist’s rich creativity and sense of form, showcased in the exhibition.


General & College students: 200 Yen (160 Yen), Elem/JH/HS: free
※Price in the bracket for groups of 20 or more.
※The ticket also gives admission to Glass Art Garden (6F).

Organized by

Toyama Glass Art Museum


Toyama Glass Art Museum