NISHI Etsuko, Pink shirley, 2015
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Photo by SAIKI Taku

TASHIMA Etsuko, Cornucopia 99-X, 1999
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Photo by SAIKI Taku

Dante MARIONI, Vessel Display, 2010
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Photo by SAIKI Taku

Camille JACOBS, Homage to Johanness Itten Series, 2010
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Photo by SUEMASA Mareo

Sigrún Ólöf EINARSDÓTTIR, FAIRY EGG with a Woman, 1989
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Photo by SUEMASA Mareo
Collection Exhibition 2017-I (Permanent Exhitbition)
Friday , June 9 -Sunday, December 3, 2017
Opening Hours: 9:30-18:00
(We are open until 20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays.
Last admission is 30 minutes before closing time.)
Closed: First and Third Wednesdays
Venue: Exhibition Room 4, Transparent Storage (4F)
We exhibit contemporary glass artworks in the collection of Toyama Glass Art Museum. Gathered here are groups of works that appear to be responding to changes in the world and new values created one after another.
General & College students: 200Yen (160Yen), Elem/JH/HS: free
※Price in the bracket for groups of 20 or more.
※The ticket also gives admission to Glass Art Garden (6F).
※Tickets for Special Exhibition also give admission to this exhibition and Glass Art Garden.
Organized by
Toyama Glass Art Museum
Toyama Glass Art Museum