Endless Energy Exploration and Expression in Glass

Period : Thursday, November 23, 2017 - Sunday, February 4, 2018

Close : First and Third Wednesdays, Year-end and New Year holidays (Dec. 29, 2017 - Jan. 3, 2018),
Jan. 10, 2018

Admission :

General: 700Yen(500Yen) College students: 500Yen(300Yen)
Elem/JH/HS: free
*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*The ticket also allow admission to Collection Exhibition and Glass Art Garden

Supported by
Kitanihon Broadcasting, Tulip TV, Toyama Television Broadcasting, FM TOYAMA, Toyama City FM

Venue : Exhibition Room 1-3(2-3F)

IEZUMI Toshio Exhibition ‐Grind to Form

Period : Saturday, July 22, 2017-Sunday, November, 5, 2017

Close : First and Third Wednesdays

Admission :

General: 700 (500) College students: 500 (300)
Multi-Facility Pass for IEZUMI Toshio Exhibition-Grind to Form and ANN WOLFF ANDANTE
General: 1,000 (800) College students: 800 (500)
*Elem/JH/HS: free
*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*Tickets also allow admission to the Permanent Exhibition

Venue : Toyama Glass Art Museum Exhibition Room 3 (3F)


Period : Saturday, July 22, 2017-Sunday, November, 5, 2017

Close : First and Third Wednesdays

Admission :

General: 700 (500) College students: 500 (300)
Multi-Facility Pass for IEZUMI Toshio Exhibition-Grind to Form and ANN WOLFF ANDANTE
General: 1,000 (800) College students: 800 (500)
※Elem/JH/HS: free
※Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
※Tickets also allow admission to the Permanent Exhibition

Venue : Toyama Glass Art Museum Exhibition Room 1‐2 (2F)

Collection Exhibition 2017-I (Permanent Exhitbition)

Period : Friday , June 9 -Sunday, December 3, 2017

Close : First and Third Wednesdays

Admission :

General & College students: 200Yen (160Yen), Elem/JH/HS: free
※Price in the bracket for groups of 20 or more.
※The ticket also gives admission to Glass Art Garden (6F).
※Tickets for Special Exhibition also give admission to this exhibition and Glass Art Garden.

Venue : Exhibition Room 4, Transparent Storage (4F)

Kira-Hirayama Ikuo and Glass from the Silk Road

Period : Apr. 15 - Jul. 9, 2017

Close : First and Third Wednesdays (open on May 3 and closed on May 10)

Admission :

General: 1,000Yen(800Yen) College students: 800Yen(600Yen)
Elem/JH/HS: free
*Price in brackets for groups of 20 or more
*The ticket also allow admission to Collection Exhibition and Glass Art Garden



Venue : Toyama Glass Art Museum  Exhibition Room 1-3 (2F-3F)

Movement and Change in Perspective Glass Collection of Toyama City

Period : Saturday, Feb. 18, - Sunday, Mar. 26, 2017

Close : First and Third Wednesdays

Admission :

General Public ¥400 (¥300), College Student ¥300 (¥200)
※Elem/JH/HS: free

The price in the ( ) is for groups. Those in groups are to be 20 or more.

With this exhibition ticket, you can view both the Collection Exhibition and the Glass Art Garden.

Organized by
Toyama Glass Art Museum

Venue : Exhibition Room 1, 2 (2F)

Collection Exhibition / Special feature: FUJITA Kyohei (Permanent Exhitbition)

Period : Friday , January 20 -Sunday, June 4, 2017

Close : First and Third Wednesdays
(Open on May 3, 2017. Closed on May 10, 2017)

Admission :

General & College students: 200Yen (160Yen), Elem/JH/HS: free
※Price in the bracket for groups of 20 or more.
※The ticket also gives admission to Glass Art Garden (6F).
※Tickets for Special Exhibition also give admission to this exhibition and Glass Art Garden.


Venue : Exhibition Room 4, Transparent Storage (4F)

”Stanislav LIBENSKÝ Jaroslava BRYCHTOVÁ”  Exhibition

Period : Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016 - Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017

Close : First and Third Wednesdays, Year-end & New year holidays (Dec. 29, 2016 - Jan. 3, 2017)

Admission :

General Public ¥800 (¥600), College Student ¥600 (¥400)
※Elem/JH/HS: free

The price in the ( ) is the price for groups. Those in groups are to be 20 or more.

With this exhibition ticket, you can view both the Collection Exhibition and the Glass Art Garden.

Venue : Exhibition Room 1, 2, 3 (2F - 3F)

Benjamin Edols & Kathy Elliott

Light Marks

Period : Jul. 16, 2016 (Sat.)-Sep. 25, 2016 (Sun.)

Close : First and Third Wednesdays

Admission :

General Public ¥700 (¥500), College Student ¥500 (¥300)
※Elem/JH/HS: free

Multi-Facility Pass for IWATA Rury Exhibition & Benjamin Edols & Kathy Elliott Exhibition
General Public ¥1,000 (¥800), College Student ¥800 (¥500)

The price in the ( ) is the price for groups.(Those in groups are to be 20 or more.)

With this exhibition ticket, you can view both the Collection Exhibition (4F) and the Glass Art Garden (6F).

Venue : Exhibition room 3 (3F)


BODY x glass

Period : Jul. 16, 2016 (Sat.)-Sep. 25, 2016 (Sun.)

Close : First and Third Wednesdays

Admission :

General Public ¥700 (¥500), College Student ¥500 (¥300)
※Elem/JH/HS: free

Multi-Facility Pass for IWATA Rury Exhibition & Benjamin Edols & Kathy Elliott Exhibition
General Public ¥1,000 (¥800), College Student ¥800 (¥500)

The price in the ( ) is the price for groups.(Those in groups are to be 20 or more.)

With this exhibition ticket, you can view both the Collection Exhibition (4F) and the Glass Art Garden (6F).

Venue : Exhibition room 1, 2 (2F)